
My name is Janice Pinto. I am an experienced counsellor now based in South Cambridgeshire (CB22).  I have 35 years experience of helping individuals develop more of their potential.  I work with a wide variety of people and issues.  It has always been both a privilege and a joy to journey alongside people, as they both seek and find new ways forward beyond present difficulties.

Has your ability to enjoy everyday life  decreased?


Or are you finding that enjoyment has gone out of everyday things?


It's easy to get stuck with unpleasant feelings whilst the pressures of life continue to build up. There can be many different causes. Perhaps your circumstances  have  altered abruptly. Or perhaps relationship difficulties have crept up on you and now feel overwhelming. Your sleep pattern may be suffering. Your ability to concentrate may sometimes be affected. Vicious cycles of thinking or behaviour may have crept in. Sometimes it can be hard  to make any sense of what is going on.


I offer the opportunity to press the 'pause' button and start to explore new ways forward.


"As we climb the hill the view starts to improve"



Anxiety, depression and stress can profoundly alter day-to-day living.


There are ways to start to break free from their hold.


A little support can enable you to discover new abilities and strength to face difficulties.

Years ago whilst working in the field of education, I noticed the effect that emotions such as anxiety, frustration and other emotions seemed to be having on the ability to learn. Furthermore it seemed to affect the ability to engage meaningfully with life. Wanting to understand this more lead me into counselling training.


It is good to see blocks lift and people able to discover confidence and enjoyment of daily life.