How does it work?

What to expect


Counselling is a shared working process between yourself and the counsellor.


Starting counselling can be a daunting prospect.


I offer an initial free chat to help you consider if you would like to proceed further.


After that, if you wish to proceed, we will discuss what you would like to work on and some of the background issues.   


My counselling aims to provide an opportunity for you to step back and gently unravel things in a non-threatening environment. The pace is guided  by you.


Normally sessions will be an hour long.

How long will counselling take?


  • The total number of sessions will partly depend on what is being worked on. Sometimes just a few sessions can make a big difference.

  • Typically after the first full session, we will agree on an initial number of further bookings, normally six. Later we will review how things are going and whether you would like to book some further appointments.

  • Sessions are usually either weekly or fortnightly and at an agreed regular time.